Anaesthesiology and Reanimation
Central Prima Hospital’s Anaesthesiology and Reanimation Unit provides the services of medical assessment prior to surgical intervention, moderation and implementation of drugs to be used with the intent of avoiding any pain and vital problems that may occur both during and after the intervention. Anesthesia specialists diminish the potential negative impacts of anesthesia as much as possible, and causes the patient wake up after the surgery in a way keeping his/her vital functions protected.
Anesthesia specialists choose from the anesthesia types, consisting of general, regional, and local anesthesia, and sedation applications, depending to the sort of operation the doctors are to perform. Anesthesia applications are also used in the imaging tests when necessary. Sedation or anesthesia applications may be used in MR examinations particularly to those with claustrophobia, and to our pediatric patients of 0 to 6 years of age in order to immobilize or sedate them.
Types of Anesthesia
General Anesthesia
General anesthesia causes loss of consciousness and muscle relaxation in the patient, and avoids him/her from feeling any ache or pain throughout the surgery. Firstly the state of sleep is created by the medicine administered intravenously, then a tube is inserted through the mouth of the patient into his/her trachea, and this tube causes the oxygen and other anesthetizing gases mix into the blood circulation through the lungs, and thereby causes the patient lose his/her consciousness in a controlled manner. Upon maintaining the continuity of respiration, surgical intervention is commenced, and the anesthesia doctor carries on the anesthetizing process throughout the intervention, while following up all vital functions of the patient. Patient neither wakes up, nor feels any ache/pain throughout surgery. Upon completion of the surgery, anesthetizing process is terminated, and the tubes inside the respiratory tract are removed. Upon checking the general condition of the patient, he/she is taken to the recovery room to make him/her slowly wake up. Necessary painkillers are applied if the patient feels any ache or pain when he/she gains his/her consciousness.
Regional Anesthesia
In Regional Anesthesia process, anesthesia is applied only to the region of the body where surgery is to be performed. Specific parts of the body, such as waist, armpit, or neck, according to the location of the operation, are anesthetized by means of the medicine being administered via injection. Although the patient remains conscious, he/she does not feel any ache/pain from the anesthetized region. This anesthesia method, which is preferred especially in normal delivery and C-section, is applied in the forms of Epidural anesthesia, spinal anesthesia, epidural-spinal combined anesthesia, and regional neural blocks.
Spinal Anesthesia
Spinal anesthesia is performed by way of applying injection in the spinal sac located in the cerebrospinal fluid upon maintaining the sterilization of the waist region of the mother-to-be prior to normal delivery or C-section. The part of the body below the waist down to the feet becomes numb in a short while, legs cannot be moved, despite remaining conscious, no ache/pain is felt. Mother witnesses to the moment of delivery of her child.
Epidural Anesthesia
In Epidural Anesthesia, injection is applied outside the cerebrospinal fluid via catheter upon maintaining the sterilization of the waist region of the mother-to-be prior to normal delivery or C-section. No pain is felt from below the waist 15 minutes later. For she remains conscious, mother-to-be witnesses the delivery of her child. Delivery is performed much faster, and the patient recovers more comfortably after this process.
Epidural-Spinal Combined Anesthesia
This is the kind of anesthesia in which spinal and epidural anesthesia methods are applied in a combined manner. Despite no pain is felt in epidural pain, touches may be felt throughout the operation. However, the aforementioned feeling is also ceased when it is applied in combination with spinal anesthesia. While immobility is maintained in a way muscle relaxation is performed successfully by Spinal, medicine is administered by Epidural catheter to reduce postoperational pains. In this method being particularly preferred in C-sections, while the mother witnesses the delivery of her child, she does not feel any ache/pain, transmission of the medicine to the baby is avoided, and recovery takes place faster.
Regional Neural Block
It is especially used in surgical interventions applied to the arms and legs. Anesthesia medicine is administered around the nerves extending to the region where surgical intervention is to be performed. Immobility and numbness is thereby created in this region, avoiding any ache/pain from being felt.
Local Anesthesia
Local Anesthesia processes are applied to such small-scaled surgical interventions as removing moles, pulling teeth, circumcision. Only the region where intervention is to be performed is anaesthetized, without causing any loss of consciousness. Only temporal numbness occurs at the region where intervention is to be performed, avoiding any pain from being felt.
Sedation Applications
Sedation applications constitute a part of the general anesthesia. While keeping his/her reflexes protected, the patient is relaxed, and caused to enter into a controlled state of sleep by means of the sedative medicines. Patient feels no ache/pain throughout the process under the effect of sedation. The patient remains conscious, but due to the temporal memory loss effect being created, he/she remembers nothing about the moment of the process, and is avoided from suffering any psychological trauma. Sedative medicines are used also for reinforcing the local/regional anesthesia. It is preferred especially in the Endoscopy applications, and dental treatments. It both provides comfort to the patient, and causes the doctor perform his/her process in a more concentrated and relaxed manner.
We have experienced Anaesthesiology and Reanimation doctors acting with the consciousness of protecting the patients’ health in order to provide the convenient surgical environment in our hospital.
Main Services
- General Anesthesia
- Regional Anesthesia (Spinal, Epidural, Epidural-Spinal Combined Anesthesia, Regional Neural Block)
- Local Anesthesia
- Sedation Applications
- Follow-up After Anesthesia
- Intensive Care