General Intensive Care Service

General intensive care; physical function, and organ function tests within normal limits allows you to remain lost all or part of that intensive treatments applied artificial respiration and other supportive devices are used, the format of the settlement specifically designed, which differs from other hospital services in terms of medical treatment and patient care unit.

Those whose vital functions are severely impaired as a result of illness or trauma, or who are at risk of deterioration at any time:

  • Patients who need postoperative (postoperative) respiratory support,
  • Poisonings, patients in shock,
  • Lung diseases with respiratory failure,
  • Patients with heart failure,
  • Patients with general body trauma,
  • Diabetic comas,
  • Muscle diseases November, etc. for patients who need all kinds of life support such as,
  • To patients who need surgical intensive care after surgery or accident,
  • To patients with the need for coronary intensive care after neurological and cardiac infarction,
  • it provides services in a way that all kinds of services can be provided, fully equipped, equipped with modern technological devices.  
  • In critical patients, supporting vital functions such as respiration and circulation with advanced devices and modern treatment methods is a frequently applied method.

For critical patients who do not need support but whose general condition may deteriorate at any time, they are constantly kept under close supervision so that the necessary interventions can be carried out without wasting time.

During intensive care, the factors causing the disease are taken into the background and priority is given to the fulfillment of vital functions of the person, such as respiratory nutrition, circulation, fever and metabolism regulation.

Inside our unit;

  • 7 adult intensive care beds,
  • Bedside ventilator (artificial respiration devices)
  • Bedside monitors,
  • Infusion pumps,
  • Feeding pumps,
  • Portable x-ray machine,
  • Blood gas device and central oxygen system
  • We have devices such as hemofiltration

The length of stay of patients in General Intensive Care can be one day depending on the course of the disease, as well as hospitalization can last for months. When deemed necessary, the follow-up of patients whose intensive care treatment has been completed in the wards is also carried out by our team. Complicated patient admissions are made to our hospital from other centers as well.

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