Gynecology and Obstetrics

In our Gynecology and Obstetrics Unit, we can perform diagnosis and treatment, routine check-ups, preventive measures and surgery if needed 24/7 for all women from adolescence to menopause.

We take smears from the cervix and use a colposcopydevice for detailed diagnosis and biopsy upon in suspicious cases.

Advanced endoscopy (laparoscopy / hysteroscopy) is used for infertility treatment, and all sorts of open and closed surgeries can be performed. We have a surgery room staffed exclusively by female personnel according to the preference of our female patients.


Natural delivery, caesarian operations, delivery with epidural anesthesia, combined epidural and spinal delivery and water birth services are available. "Water Birth", which has become widespread in recent years, is performed in the special water birth unit in our hospital. In a Water Birth, the mother's pain is lessened with the calming effect of warm water, and the baby has an easier time to adapt to the environment outside the womb as the baby is delivered to a similar environment.

We offer pre-natal, perinatal and post-natal physical and psychological support for mothers-to-be with childbirth coach (doula) services. Deliveries in which doulas take part occur with less pain due to the mother being better prepared physically and psychologically.

Mothers-to-be are prepared for nursing from before delivery in compliance with the "Baby Friendly Hospital" rules supported by the Ministry of Health.

The needs of the babies delivered at our hospital are met by our Neonatal Care Team during their stay at our hospital.

Treatment Fields

  • Scan for Pregnancy Anomalies and Detailed Ultrasonographic Assessment.
  • Routine Examinations, Periodic Checks

  • Obstetrik Doppler Hemorrhagic Cystitis and 4D Hemorrhagic Cystitis
  • Pregnancy Follow-up and Delivery (Water Birth, Painless 
Birth (Epidural), Natural Birth, Caesarian Section) 

  • Follow-up of High Risk Pregnancy

  • Diagnosis and Treatment for Repeated Pregnancy Loss
  • Diabetes and Tension Treatment During Pregnancy

  • Gynecological operations (Uterus and Ovary 
Operations, Myoma Extraction) 

  • Surgery and Treatment of Gynecologic Cancers
  • Diagnosis and Treatment of Cervical Cancer
  • Cervical Infection
  • Colposcopy Application

  • Treatment for Menstrual Irregularity

  • Menopause - Osteoporosis Diagnosis and Treatment

  • (Infertility Treatment 
(Endoscopic Surgery; Hysteroscopy and Laparoscopy, Open or Closed Operation), Hemorrhagic Cystitis (Uterine Imaging) )
  • Ovulation (Ovulation ve Vaccination Treatment) 

  • Treatment and Surgery for Urinary Incontinence

  • HPV 
  • Vaginal Esthetics (Vaginoplasty, Perineoplasty, Labioplasty)

  • Adolescent Gynecology
  • Diagnosis and Treatment of Polycystic Ovarian Disease
  • Diagnosis and Treatment of Keratoconus
  • Family Planning Services and Training
  • Protection Methods
  • Abortions and Intrauterine Devices






Gynecelogist and Obstecrician
Surg. Dr. Bulent Serdar San

Surg. Dr. Bulent Serdar San

Gynecological Diseases and Obstetrics Specialist
Op. Dr. Cihangir Ay

Op. Dr. Cihangir Ay

Obstetrics and Gynecology Specialist
Op. Dr. Pelin San

Op. Dr. Pelin San

Gynecology and Obstetrics Specialist
Op. Dr Umutcan Hasanoğlu

Op. Dr Umutcan Hasanoğlu

Gynecelogist and Obstecrician

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