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Hair Transplantation

What is Hair Transplantation?

Today, hair loss is one of the most common cosmetic problems. Although it is thought to be more common in men, it is also a problem that women often face. Hair loss of up to 100 strands per day is normal in a normal individual. In cases above this figure, help should be sought from a specialist. Hair transplantation is the hair follicles removed from the nape of the neck between the two ears where the hair density is high, which are coded not to fall out by the genetic structure of the individual,It is an aesthetic surgical operation that occurs by transferring the hair to the area where hair loss is suffered. In our clinic, FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) method, which has been frequently applied since 2006 in accordance with the developing technology during hair transplantation, is used. In this method, a device called Micromotor is used to remove the hair follicles from the donor area, and thanks to this device, the root removal process takes a short time and there is no scar or swelling in the donor area. In the hair transplantation process performed with the FUE method, the number of hair follicles transplanted grows and the desired result is achieved by 95%.

What are the Basic Stages of Hair Transplantation?

Hair transplantation consists of 6 different stages. On the day of the procedure, the hair is shaved, a blood test is performed and the planning phase begins. The number of grafts to be transplanted into the area is determined and local anesthesia is used in the operation. The basic stages of hair transplantation can be listed as follows;

  • The preparatory stage, which includes blood testing and hair analysis,
  • The planning phase, which includes the determination of hairlines,
  • Performing regional anesthesia,
  • Collection of grafts,
  • Opening a channel,
  • Starting the transplantation process of hair follicles.

Hair Transplantation Stages | Collection of Hair Follicles

In the first place as a donor region, the nape area where the hair follicles are most resistant to shedding is preferred. After the area is prepared for the procedure, the hair follicles are collected one by one with the FUE motor. There are an average of 2-3 hair strands in each of these follicles called grafts.

Hair Transplantation Stages | Opening Channels

Small incisions are made to transplant the hair follicles collected one by one to the area where they are needed. The size and depth of these incisions should be compatible with the graft taken. The angle of the channels opened to capture the natural appearance should be adjusted very well.

Hair Transplantation Stages | Transplantation of Hair Follicles

The roots taken at this final stage are carefully placed one by one in the opened channels.

Most Common Hair Transplantation Techniques

Local anesthesia is usually used in hair transplantation techniques. The best method for hair transplantation depends on the type of hair loss the donor area has. Hair transplantation techniques, which are often preferred, can be materialized as follows;

  • Sapphire FUE technique,
  • FUE technique,
  • DHI hair transplantation.

| Hair Transplantation Techniques FUE

The most common technology in hair transplantation operation is the FUE technique, which is performed under local anesthesia and where the roots are collected with the help of micromotors. This technique forms the basis of all hair transplantation methods. The basic stages are the same in all hair transplantation methods. The roots are collected, the channels are opened, and the received roots are planted in the opened channels. The angles, which are the biggest factor in capturing the natural hairstyle, should be different in every area of the head. At the final stage, the roots taken are carefully placed in the canals.

The differences in the device used during the extraction process of the roots, the opening of the channels and the tools used in the transplantation stage lead to different naming of hair transplantation techniques.

| Hair Transplantation Techniques DHI

DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) hair transplantation means "Direct Hair Transplantation". In this method, after the hair follicles are collected, the skin is touched with the help of a medical pen called choi; Before that, the incision is placed directly without opening the channel. So thanks to this pen, the process of grooving and sowing is carried out at the same time. Again, in this method, since the collected roots remain in the external environment for a shorter time, they are more likely to remain healthy.

| Hair Transplantation Techniques Painless Hair Transplantation

In this application, thanks to special anesthesia devices, regional numbing is provided to the patient without the need for the use of needles. During the operation, needleless anesthesia devices spray the anesthetic agent with pressure, allowing it to reach under the skin through the pores. Thanks to these special devices, where only the silicone cap touches the skin, it is ensured that the anesthesia substance spreads under the skin over a larger area than the needle and thus the pain is eliminated.

The Process After Hair Transplantation

The sensation of pain is minimal. Another method of anesthesia is the application of sedation. It may be preferred in patients with high feelings of anxiety and anxiety. Hair transplantation operations take an average of 6-8 hours. Pain due to the fact that the procedure is performed under local anesthesia.

After the operation, a special washing process is applied to the head for 10 days. After the operation, the transplanted hair is lost for 2 months from the 15th day. However, this condition is temporary and starts to come out gradually from the 3rd month. On average, between the 9th and 12th months, all hair is completed to emerge.

When leaving the hospital after the operation, you should be wearing a forehead band to prevent bandages to your donor area and swelling after the operation.

The tiny crusts and slight redness that will occur in the transplanted area and donor area will disappear within 15 days.

Conditions That May Arise After Hair Transplantation

After the operation, you may feel swelling, itching and slight pain. These symptoms can be relieved with ice applications recommended by your doctor, emollient lotions and mild symptom relieving drugs if necessary.

Swelling After Hair Transplantation:

A few days after the operation, swelling can rarely be seen on the face and mostly around the eyes. In this case, it is best to put a little ice on the area with swelling. The use of a special drug is not required. The swelling disappears on its own after 5 days.

Itching After Hair Transplantation

Itching is a sign of healing, and it is completely normal to feel this sensation 2-3 days after the operation. Do not scratch and nail the transplanted area. The itching sensation may persist for several days.

Burning Sensation After Hair Transplantation

4 days after the day of transplantation, a burning sensation may occur, especially in the donor area. In this case, it is recommended that you only apply moisturizing lotion to your donor area three or four times a day and wait for it to be absorbed.

How is the First 1 Year After Hair Transplantation?

In the process after hair transplantation, it is at least as important as the operation process. Spills can be experienced between the first 15 days and 3 months. These spills should not cause concern. Here's what you need to know about the post-hair transplant process!

Day 1

On the day after the operation, dressing and PRP hair treatment sessions are applied in the clinic. After dressing, the bandage in the donor area is removed.

Day 3

The hair washing procedure is started as described with the proposed special lotion and shampoo. The hair washing procedure helps to heal the scalp and remove the crusting that occurs.

Day 5-7

5-7 after the operation. The hair transplanted per day becomes stronger and will not be displaced by touch. You should avoid injuring the transplanted area, nailing it. During this period, you may feel itching. This is normal and is a sign of improvement.

Day 15-30

In 2-3 weeks your appearance will return to normal; Since the difference between the transplanted and existing hair will disappear, you will have an appearance that cannot be understood that you have hair transplantation.

1-3 Months

The hair loss in the transplanted area, known as shock shedding, is observed in this period and the growth period of your transplanted hair begins immediately.

4-5 Months

In the 4th month, the hair growth process accelerates and half of the expected result of the hair transplantation operation can be observed around the 6th month.

6-12 Months

The hair transplanted in this period continues to grow and the hair strands become stronger and thicker.

Between 12-18 Months

You will have obtained the final result of your hair transplantation operation within 18 months. Now your hair growth process is complete and you will see 100% of the transplanted hair. You will have denser, longer and stronger looking hair.

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