
In our Neurosurgery Unit, we offer diagnosis and treatment of the diseases of the brain, spinal cord and spinal column with our expert medical staff.

Brain tumor surgeries are performed with an equipped microscope using microsurgery techniques During the surgery, adverse situations are prevented with the use of modern devices such as Intraoperative Ultrasound, Neuronavigation and Neuromonitoring.

With advancements in technology, chances for correct diagnosis and adequate surgery are increased. Diagnosis is done with methods such as MRI, CT, 3 dimensional CT, CT angiography, etc. at our hospital.  

Our experienced staff keeping up with technological innovations treat diseases with a multidisciplinary approach.

Nowadays, surgical operations can be safely performed thanks to microscopes and other technological equipment. Recovery time is shortened by Minimally Invasive Surgeryprocedures.

Microsurgery Technique 

Microsurgery is a technique that relies on the use of a microscope during surgery so that the surgeon can see smaller details more clearly. Its use has been increasingly widespread in Neurosurgery operations since the 70's. Nowadays, the microscope is an indispensable device in surgery rooms.

Treatment Fields

  • Herniated Disc in the Loins (With Microsurgery)
  • Herniated Discin the Neck (With Microsurgery)
  • Spondylolisthesis 
  • Spinal Cord Channel Stenosis (Spınal Stenosıs)
  • Head Trauma
  • Spinal Cord Trauma (Spine Fractures and Spinal Cord Injuries)
  • Brain Hemorrhage
  • Brain Tumors (Glial Tumor, Brain Metastasis, Meningioma etc.)
  • Biopsy on Brain Tumors with the Stereotactic Method
  • Cerebrovascular Diseases (Aneurysm, Cavernoma, etc.)
  • Hydrocephaly (Shunt and Endoscopic Method)
  • Childhood Brain Tumors (Medullablastoma, Ependymoma, etc)
  • Chiari Malformation
  • Congenital Anomalies in Infancy and Childhood
  • Peripheral Nerve compressions (Carpal Tunnel syndrome, Ulnar Nerve Compression etc.)


Surg. Dr. Kadir Ozturk

Surg. Dr. Kadir Ozturk

Brain and Nerve Surgery Specialist
Surg. Dr. Kadir Ozturk

Surg. Dr. Kadir Ozturk

Brain and Nerve Surgery Specialist
Op. Dr Sinem Akay

Op. Dr Sinem Akay

Brain and Nerve Surgery Specialist

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