Pediatric Surgery
The Pediatric Surgery Unit provides diagnosis, surgery procedures and follow-up for all disorders from birth to 18 years of age. Technological advances that allow surgery on babies still in the womb as well as prenatal diagnosis have differentiated pediatric surgery from other kinds of surgery.
Children suffering from different diseases and disorders at different stages of growth are metabolically and physiologically very different from adults. Children require completely different medications, antibiotics and surgical equipment in comparison to adults. We strive to leave children with no adverse psychological effects at all as we work with them, as such, our unit is designed specially for children, with an entertainment center concept. When possible, we can perform laparoscopic surgery in the body cavities with only small incisions. To avoid causing psychological trauma in children, we perform anesthesia and sedation under supervision of anesthesia specialists and no pain is felt during the surgical operations.
Aspiration of foreign objects, which is common in children, can be treated with bronchoscopy; the respiratory tract, the teachea, main bronchus and other bronchi are examined and foreign objects can be easily removed. Surgical treatment for Hirschsprung Disease, a congenital problem caused by the absence of nerve cells at the end of the bowels, is available at our hospital.
Our Pediatric Surgery Unit performs operations with great precision thanks to its multidisciplinary approach, know-how and experienced specialists. We offer treatment for many different diseases and use a variety of surgery methods.
Primary Fields of interest in Pediatric Surgery
- Congenital absence or blockage of esophagus, stomach and intestines,
- Congenital absence or deficiency of nerves in bowels,
- Congenital complete or partial displacement of intestines and bladder,
- Congenital absence of diaphragm, absence of esophagus and accompanying abnormalities of bronchial tube
- Congenital or acquired surgical diseases of lungs,
- Endoscopic examinations of stomach reflux, duodena, intestines and bowels.
- Open and closed surgeries of kidneys, ureters and bladder and treatment of kidney stones,
- Open and closed surgeries of urine leakage in kidneys,
- Treatment of genital organ abnormalities, hypospadias, epispadias and other penis abnormalities,
- Examination and treatment of abdominal problems such as appendicitis causing abdominal pain
- Treatment for drinking or inhalation of corrosive or poisonous substances, aspiration of foreign objects or foreign objects blocking the respiratory tract,
- Surgical check-up and treatment of cysts and tumors in lungs,
- Medical follow-up and treatment of burns
- Injuries from falls and household accidents on internal organs such as lungs, liver and kidneys
Treatment Fields
- Treatment of all pediatric emergencies
- Laparoscopic abdominal surgeries
- Treatment of kidney, bladder and genital organ diseases
- Modern surgical treatment for constipation and bowel nerve abnormalities
- Closed imaging and treatment such as endoscopy, colonoscopy, bronchoscopy, cystoscopy,
- Circumcision of children and hypospadias treatment
- Surgical treatment of congenital diseases in newborns
- Lung and Thoracic Surgery
- Oncological Surgery in Children