Psychological support is provided by specialist clinical psychologists in our Psychology Unit aiming to create solutions for the psychic and behavioral problems being encountered by children, adolescents, and adults. We attach importance for individuals’ knowing and developing themselves throughout their struggle against the problems they encounter. Our Specialist Clinical Psychologists perform the psychic, cognitive, developmental, and behavioral evaluations of their clients, and detect the causes of their problems. The path to reach to the solution of the problem is proceeded with mutual collaboration based on client-psychologist trust relationship. Certain psychological assessment instruments and psychotherapy methods are applied.
Just as we go to doctor upon encountering any physical problem in our overall bodily health, it is natural for us to be in need of psychological help for our psychic problems that we may not resolve. Most people are incapable of struggling against the problems they encounter in any period of their lives by themselves. We not only support our clients in our Psychology Unit in line with scientific methods and techniques, but also work in collaboration by way of directing our clients to our Psychiatry Unit in cases of necessity. Alongisde the treatment of the problems being encountered in the adulthood period, we also provide psychological support to our pediatric and adolescent clients. Neglect of the psychological discomforts being encountered in the childhood and adolescence periods, which are critical in the formation of one’s personality, may give rise to morecritical problems in the advancing ages. They should therefore not be neglected, and be followed up under specialist support. Our Psychology Unit provides psychological support both to our hospitalized patients, and to their relatives in the course of their treatments.
Therapies and Tests We Apply
- Game & Tale Therapy
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
- Marriage and Couple Therapy
- Pedagogic Formation
- Kinder Angst Panic Test
- Gesell Development Figures Test
- Frostig Developmental Visual Perception Test
- Peabody Receptive Language Test
- Kent EGY (Verbal Intelligence Test)
- Porteus Labyrinths
- Cattell Intelligence Test
- Burdon Attentiveness Test
- Benton Visual Memory Test
- Metropolitan School Maturity Test
- Frankfurter Attentiveness Test
Fields of Treatment
- Depression
- Anxiety Disorders
- Personality Disorders
- Relationship Problems
- Obsessions
- Fears
- Social Phobia
- Psychological Traumas
- Eating Disorder